Deciding on a business structure is a complex matter. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages of the business structure that you choose to go with and it is always recommended to contact a professional for an advice.
At Sky Business Services we understand that choosing your business structure is an important decision and so we investigate each option carefully for you. We identify if the activity you are doing or about the start is a business or a hobby. We also consider your expected turnover, the cost of set up, the tax implications of different business structures, the expense of continuing costs due to legislative requirements of different business structures and your financial ability & liability. The business structure can be a sole trader, a partnership, a company or a trust. It may be right for you to start with one business structure at the start of the business and change over to the other during the stage where the turnover increases and taxation implications change. We discuss all your options and even if you are starting a business or have multiple running businesses it would be an advantage to come and talk to us.
Our services include but are not limited to the following:
- Tax and Business structure advice
- Set up of Sole Traders, Partnerships and Companies
- Tax Office Registration (ABN, GST, TFN & PAYG)
- Business Name Registrations with ASIC